Monday, July 11, 2011

Should I move in with my girlfriend?

My girlfriend and I have been dating for a year now, from which 8 months she's been out of state (2 states to be exact) we see each other every month or so. We have a lot of differences, mainly is the culture differences since she's white american and I'm Peruvian and I was raised mainly in South Florida. We've broken up many times due to this differences but mostly are mine. I cannot seem to understand her fully, and everything is different. Like for example she doesn't eat vegetables, none whatsoever. She is kind of boring, she likes to stay at home and watch animal cops instead to go out and socialize. For me food it's a very important issue since I feel like we can share a lot of moments and also going out as a couple and enjoy. Also since I'm Hispanic I enjoy dancing a lot and like to go out and enjoy plenty. Sex isn't the greatest either which sucks. I love her and there are several things that I like about her. We are both Chemical Engineers. She's very kind and loving towards good deeds and animals not so loving with me though. She's very smart and she is gorgeous and takes care of herself even though she doesn't eat vegetables. I currently live in Florida and she'll be moving to Iowa in a month. I'm thinking in moving to Iowa with her to see if the relationship can actually work out. I'm scared to to think that the only reason I'm with her is because she is a "safe bet". Should I move and try it? She also has 3 cats and a dog and I'm allergic to cats so it makes difficult but I'm willing to take that chance. She is sort of an animal hoarder, her whole family is. Like 15 animals in a living room.

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